Designed Support for Student Research Avenues

Submitted by Christopher M Greder on

We propose a designed growth path for emerging researchers that does not currently exist. When Ph.D.’s defend, it is expected that their directed training and research focus will provide clear direction for impactful future work, but that assumption has not been realized. We propose an entry path for graduate students to better understand and contribute to research and administration publication functions that should enhance their academic prospects and help them add to scientific solutions business desperately needs.

Hackers Wanted: Building towards IT, MIS, and Cybersecurity Careers

Submitted by Christopher M Greder on

The ultimate goal of an educator is to build students towards a successful career outside the classroom. The top careers today focus on technology, from software development to IT management to cybersecurity, yet businesses often struggle to find qualified people to fill these positions. This session provides actionable solutions for teachers and school administrators for teaching critical computing, cybersecurity, and technical troubleshooting skills.

An Evaluation of Cybersecurity Students’ Needs for Program Improvement

Submitted by Christopher M Greder on

This proposal discusses the findings of an interesting research study with the objective of identifying writing and communication challenges faced by both cybersecurity students and professionals in the field and proposing effective solutions to address these challenges. This research study was part of a comprehensive project (funded by the NSA) intended to enhance cybersecurity education in western PA.

Integrating NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (NCWF) to University Career Services

Submitted by Christopher M Greder on

The use of NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (NCWF) is critically important to ensure consistency across cybersecurity jobs in government, industry, and academia. Nova Southeastern University (NSU) has been a leader in cybersecurity education for many years and was among the first in the state of Florida to receive CAE designation. NSU received the initial CAE designation in March 2005 and received CAE re-designation in 2009 and 2014.

Got curriculum? Donate to CLARK’s Plan C

Submitted by Christopher M Greder on

Covid-19 has created tremendous challenges for academia. Last spring, faculty across the U.S. moved suddenly and completely to virtual teaching. This fall, as many of us continue to teach primarily online, we are developing quality resources, including videos and other materials that facilitate learning in this new environment. As a result of the pandemic, the role of the CAE community is more important than ever. Cyber attacks have increased, as hackers are exploiting the new vulnerabilities posed by the massive migration to work-from-home across all industries.

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