Submitted by Christopher M Greder on

The ultimate goal of an educator is to build students towards a successful career outside the classroom. The top careers today focus on technology, from software development to IT management to cybersecurity, yet businesses often struggle to find qualified people to fill these positions. This session provides actionable solutions for teachers and school administrators for teaching critical computing, cybersecurity, and technical troubleshooting skills. The presenter will share tips, tools, and techniques for building our next generation of cyber experts in ways that build critical technology skills while remaining fun and accessible to all students. He will share ideas for getting technology into the classroom, finding mentors to help with instruction, and engaging students to learn through cyber clubs, camps, and competitions. One of the biggest challenges is influencing students to enter fields that lead to technology careers. He does this by hacking; not the evil kind, but the type defined in the Hacker Dictionary as “one who enjoys the intellectual challenge of creatively overcoming or circumventing limitations.” The techniques discussed in this session allow students to use their native curiosity to better and more safely use the technology around them. This session also covers teaching cyber safety, security, and ethics. Successful careers all start in our schools. Join me in building the next generation of cyber employees to solve the technical problems of today and tomorrow. This session is based on the TED talk, “Hackers Wanted.”

Ron Woerner