Hierarchical Multi-Blockchain Architectures for Autonomous Management of Medical Data/Devices

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The healthcare ecosystem involves several interconnected stakeholders with different and sometimes conflicting security and privacy requirements. Sharing medical data, particularly remotely generated data, is a challenging task. Although there are several solutions in the literature that address the interoperability & scalability functional requirements of such services, as well as the security & privacy requirements, achieving a good balance between these is not a trivial task as off-the-shelf solutions do not exist.

Benefits from a Novel Outreach Project that Supports Cybersecurity Professional Development

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This proposal discusses considerable benefits of a recent outreach project to strengthen relationships between Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP), an established CAE for over two decades, and several Community Colleges (CCs) and technical institutes across Pennsylvania. IUP has been working with several CCs for years to promote cybersecurity education and research in the western PA region.

Education on Cybersecurity Issues with Smart Power Grid

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Modern power grids, such as smart grid and micro-grid systems, have various intelligent and sophisticated controllers at all stages of generation, transmission, sub transmission, distribution, and customer ends. Moreover, renewable energy sources (wind generator, photovoltaic systems, etc.) are being connected to the grids through various power electronics components and energy storage systems (ESS). According to a recent report, solar and wind together represent roughly 10 percent of the world’s installed capacity.

Critical Infrastructure - Training

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Critical Infrastructure training based on the current threat environment is at a high level throughout the nation and worldwide. A concerted effort by multiple professors, professional cybersecurity personnel, students and staff, a workshop has been developed based that provides training on current topics using in some cases actual examples of security incidents, demonstrations such as pen-testing and necessary remediation steps and methodologies.

Cybersecurity Pathways: Implementing a Systems Based Approach Through Mentoring

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The need for cybersecurity workers is clear. With a documented current shortage of cybersecurity workers in the U.S. identified as over 300,000 openings, the need to attract, and retain more future cybersecurity workers could not be more clear. Many efforts have been created to address this need and have had clear positive results.

The Easiest Interview Answers - Your Story

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No matter how stressful the thought of an interview may be for you, there is an easy answer. Each person has a collection of responses that can be used to solve almost every question, and the best part is that there is no wrong answer! The answer that the interviewer is looking for is your personal story. It is a collection of events that shaped you as an individual and will ultimately be the deciding factor in your success in the role and within the company. Each of you has been on a project, worked on a team, failed, and succeeded.

The UAH Cyber Force Incubator

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The UAH Cyber Force Incubator (CFI) is a cybersecurity workforce development program which recruits students from UAH, partner colleges and universities, and some Alabama high schools. CFI students are enrolled in an extracurricular cybersecurity and work place behaviors training program. Select students who pass the aforementioned training are nominated for security clearance. Students are hired to work on UAH cybersecurity research and development projects and students are placed into internships at government and industry partner locations.

A Final Stop of the CWCT Journey: Training Participant Job Placement with Certifications

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While the job market for cyber talent has hit record numbers, employers have found it quite difficult to recruit quality individuals to fill the ranks. There are intense efforts to identify and hire employees with related experience, yet with limited success.

Beginning in 2020, a team of 4 higher education institutions established an NSA funded consortium named Cybersecurity Workforce Certification Training initiative or CWCT with the support from N-CAE. CWCT leadership projects by September of 2023 when this round of funding concludes, 1,100 people will be trained.

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