Submitted by CAE Community on

No matter how stressful the thought of an interview may be for you, there is an easy answer. Each person has a collection of responses that can be used to solve almost every question, and the best part is that there is no wrong answer! The answer that the interviewer is looking for is your personal story. It is a collection of events that shaped you as an individual and will ultimately be the deciding factor in your success in the role and within the company. Each of you has been on a project, worked on a team, failed, and succeeded. You all have experienced challenges and overcame them, or maybe not.

What we must do as interviewees is pull our experiences out and frame them so that it becomes a story with us as the main character. We need to us as a character who experiences conflict and then arrive at a resolution. The story will contain our experiences and are unique to use, which is essential when competing for roles.

In this fast pitch, the attendee will find examples relating their personal story to the most common interview questions. Finding the right mix of challenge and conflict in school projects, extra-curricular events, work, or class lessons is as easy as understanding what the interviewer is looking for in future team members. The storytelling takes some practice and polish, but it still is your story to tell.

Robert Loy