Submitted by Christopher M Greder on

Covid-19 has created tremendous challenges for academia. Last spring, faculty across the U.S. moved suddenly and completely to virtual teaching. This fall, as many of us continue to teach primarily online, we are developing quality resources, including videos and other materials that facilitate learning in this new environment. As a result of the pandemic, the role of the CAE community is more important than ever. Cyber attacks have increased, as hackers are exploiting the new vulnerabilities posed by the massive migration to work-from-home across all industries. CLARK, funded by NSA (grant# H9830-17-1-0405), hosts over 750 free cybersecurity learning objects under the creative commons non-commercial license. CLARK’s Plan C is an opportunity to gather cybersecurity resources developed during these trying times and expedite publication on the CLARK ( platform. During this workshop, the CLARK team will work with faculty to upload their curriculum content to the Plan C collection, fine-tune their learning outcomes with the “Blooming Onion” app, and map to CAE knowledge units. By contributing curriculum, the CAE community can help faculty across the country teach cyber in their online classes. Participants will receive a small stipend for each contribution.

Blair Taylor, Sidd Kaza