Got curriculum? Donate to CLARK’s Plan C

Submitted by Christopher M Greder on

Covid-19 has created tremendous challenges for academia. Last spring, faculty across the U.S. moved suddenly and completely to virtual teaching. This fall, as many of us continue to teach primarily online, we are developing quality resources, including videos and other materials that facilitate learning in this new environment. As a result of the pandemic, the role of the CAE community is more important than ever. Cyber attacks have increased, as hackers are exploiting the new vulnerabilities posed by the massive migration to work-from-home across all industries.

A CAE-CDE Planning for CAE-CO Designation: Curriculum design and content considerations

Submitted by Christopher M Greder on

The University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) is developing a robust graduate degree program in Cyber Operations (CO). The program was designed from the beginning to ultimately obtain an NSA/DHS CAE-CO designation. With this in mind, the subject matter experts and curriculum designers focused on the required knowledge units and built in the artifacts to meet other CAE criterion like explicit focus on CO, integration of CO into the foundational courses, and content currency.

Designed Support for Student Research Avenues

Submitted by CAE Community on

We propose a designed growth path for emerging researchers that does not currently exist. When Ph.D.’s defend, it is expected that their directed training and research focus will provide clear direction for impactful future work, but that assumption has not been realized. We propose an entry path for graduate students to better understand and contribute to research and administration publication functions that should enhance their academic prospects and help them add to scientific solutions business desperately needs.

The CAE National Competition- Overview and Collaboration Opportunity

Submitted by Christopher M Greder on

The first CAE National Competition will be held throughout the 2021-2022 academic year and is designed to increase student and faculty engagement with competitions throughout the CAE program. The competition is oriented towards students who are new to cybersecurity competitions, and will include an extensive training and practice environment, regional competitions, and the National Finals to be held at the 2022 CAE Executive Leadership Forum.

Industrial Cybersecurity Training and Education Standards - Getting the Water to the End of the Row with CYBER-CHAMP

Submitted by CAE Community on

There is a pervasive talent deficit in cybersecurity that prevents employers from being able to find qualified job applicants. In a recent survey of cybersecurity professionals, most report that their teams are at least somewhat understaffed with open positions remaining unfilled. Many tools are available to bridge the educational gap for the cybersecurity workforce, but these tools do not take a holistic approach to security by addressing both operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT).

Social Engineer your students before they social engineer you. Teaching Human Hacking in a CAE Curriculum

Submitted by Christopher M Greder on

As long as we have people, social engineering is a threat. Hacking the human element has only gotten worse with most people working, playing and communicating online. With its prominence, shouldn’t this be a part of all cyber defense and operations curriculum? In this session, you will learn techniques for teaching it either as its own class or within other classes. Everyone in security needs to understand human weaknesses and the best ways to protect and defend against human threats and vulnerabilities.

Cybersecurity Assessments in Global Public Health Involving Technology

Submitted by Christopher M Greder on

Over the last decade, many public health research efforts have included information technologies such as Mobile Health (mHealth), Electronic Health (eHealth), Telehealth, and Digital Health to assist with unmet global development health needs. This presentation provides a background on the lack of documentation on cybersecurity risks or vulnerability assessments in global public health areas. This presentation suggests existing frameworks and policies be adopted for public health.

Trustworthy When Human and Bots Are Mingled

Submitted by Christopher M Greder on

This presentation is about to identify conversational bots using blockchain technology, a first step to address trustworthy challenging when social media applications are mixed with human users and social bots. Internet persona or account user profile for social bots usually is hardly being used to distinguish conversational bots from other human users. PASS (Personal Archive Service System) using blockchain technology has built in the Proof of X mechanism.

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