Trustworthy When Human and Bots Are Mingled

Submitted by Christopher M Greder on

This presentation is about to identify conversational bots using blockchain technology, a first step to address trustworthy challenging when social media applications are mixed with human users and social bots. Internet persona or account user profile for social bots usually is hardly being used to distinguish conversational bots from other human users. PASS (Personal Archive Service System) using blockchain technology has built in the Proof of X mechanism.

Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace program and Federal Cybersecurity R&D priorities

Submitted by CAE Community on

The Army Cyber Institute (ACI) is a national resource for interdisciplinary research, advice and education in the cyber domain, engaging DoD, Army, Government, academic and industrial cyber communities in impactful partnerships to build intellectual capital and expand the knowledge base for the purpose of enabling effective army cyber defense and cyber operations. The ACI focuses on exploring the challenges facing the Army (and likewise the Nation) within the cyber domain in the next 3-10 years.

Cyber Gym: Open-source Security Labs in the Google Cloud

Submitted by Christopher M Greder on

The open-source cyber gym provides a hands-on Google cloud learning environment flexible for both instructors and students. Instructors have access to custom-built workouts mapped to skills in the NICE Framework and Security+ Standards or instructors can create their own workouts. When ready, an instructor initiates a system build for the number of students or teams in their class.

NCL CyberMetrics – Measuring Student Proficiencies to Launch the Cybersecurity Careers

Submitted by Christopher M Greder on

With many “entry-level” positions in the cybersecurity industry requiring 3-5 years of experience, numerous students and recent graduates find themselves at a loss on how to launch their careers in this field with an ever-growing need for professionals. The question becomes, “How can students take their knowledge from curriculum to career?” The National Cyber League (NCL) does just that in a way that makes learning feel like playing.

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