Submitted by Christopher M Greder on

The open-source cyber gym provides a hands-on Google cloud learning environment flexible for both instructors and students. Instructors have access to custom-built workouts mapped to skills in the NICE Framework and Security+ Standards or instructors can create their own workouts. When ready, an instructor initiates a system build for the number of students or teams in their class. From here students have access to independently control their workout both in the class and outside of the class. This session will explore the experience in deploying this technology to over 500 students in the state of Arkansas and show the cloud costs for various workouts. We will also walk participant through the setup and live build from the viewpoint of the instructor and demonstrate the automated assessment reported back to the instructor. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1623628. The project is available at emerginganalytics/ualr-cyber-gym.

Philip Huff, Sandra Leiterman