Submitted by Stephanie Rhoten on

This proposal reports on the success and lessons learnt of an innovative and interdisciplinary project (funded by the NSA) with the objective of enhancing Cybersecurity education in western PA. This project implemented six different services that worked collaboratively to identify and address challenges facing Cybersecurity education. A focus of this funded project was to implement a novel program to enhance communications skills (soft skills) of Cybersecurity students and those aspiring to enter this promising field. Our ultimate objective was to propose an innovative and successful model that can be easily replicated in other schools and/or environments. These services and activities are briefly described below: 1. Designed and implemented quantitative and qualitative research studies to identify challenges facing Cybersecurity education. 2. Employed results from the above-mentioned research studies and from extant published research as the basis for designing a comprehensive program for delivering individualized instruction to Cybersecurity students. 3. Offered three weekend Cybersecurity skill enhancement workshops that provided very engaging sessions on various aspects of Cybersecurity. 4. Worked on building a Cybersecurity community that invited students, teachers, business owners, NGO’s, and government organizations to come together to increase Cybersecurity awareness, practice, and education by pooling resources, collaborating in teaching and learning, and creating an integrated network for cyber education. 5. Offered a successful and well attended Cybersecurity skill enhancement summer camp (modeled after GenCyber camps).