ERAU & A-ISAC CTF: Raising Awareness about Aviation Cybersecurity

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Aviation cybersecurity is an increasingly important problem for not only our nation but also the whole world. From vulnerabilities in avionics embedded system critical for flight operations in an aircraft to a wider network of international airports, cyber threats are more pervasive in aviation today. Airport and airlines face millions of cyberattack attempts annually and this trend will persist. A recent report from Europe in 2021, for example, shows cyberattacks on aviation increased by 530% in a year.

The Lack of Incident Response Curriculum in the CAE Community: Call to Action

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In September 2020, the Critical Infrastructure Resilience Institute (CIRI) - a DHS Science & Technology (S&T) Center of Excellence at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - led a Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)-funded project and team of academic partners (Auburn University, Purdue University, University of Tulsa) in the creation of a comprehensive plan to develop a nationwide cybersecurity education and training hub & spoke network to address the nation’s chronic and urgent cybersecurity workforce shortage.

Making Knowledge Units Work for Your Program

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Knowledge Units are “owned” by the schools, yet schools do not take advantage of updating and modernizing them. This presentation will present how schools can update KU’s to have better alignment with their curriculum and improve the ecosystem for all. This presentation will include audience participation as a means of evangelism and outreach. The objective is to get more people involved in making the KU’s work for their program.

RMF vs CSF: Which is Better for Higher Ed?

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This is a presentation of research completed to compare higher education information security policies to the NIST risk management framework. A surprising event occurred when it was found that the higher ed institutions were using the NIST cybersecurity framework instead, which incorporates parts of the RMF. This workshop presents the results of this research along with a discussion.

Building a Smart Secure Manufacturing Testbed Using Zero Trust Model, Machine Learning and 5G

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Manufacturing is not only the backbone of U.S. military-technical advantage, but also a major contributor to the U.S. economy. A healthy, innovative, and vibrant manufacturing sector is essential to the economic strength and national security of the United States. The Industrial IoT, coupled with 5G, security in IIoT, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, is impacting the future and growth of manufacturing.

Mapping of the NERC-CIP Standards with the NIST CSF

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The Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) set of standards is developed by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) to ensure the protection of assets used to operate North America’s Bulk Electric Systems (BES). Any entity that owns or operates any type of BES in the United States and Canada must be compliant with the requirements of the NERC-CIP Standards.

Cyber Sleuthing: An Introduction to Cybersecurity Using Gamification

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This presentation will review the development of a week-course for high school students. The course is designed to introduce students to the exciting science of Cybersecurity using an experiential gamification approach to learning Computer Science, with an emphasis on application and teamwork. The course includes practice using current Cybersecurity industry tools and technologies, development of cyber detective skills, and academic team competition. The course is offered during the Honors Summer Academy on the Oklahoma Christian University campus.

Mapping Low Cost and Open Source Labs to the NICE Workforce Framework

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In this presentation Chris Simpson will discuss National University’s mapping of low cost and open source labs to the NICE Workforce Framework and course learning outcomes using the online database Airtable. He will also provide updates on some new free and low cost lab environments that might be of interest to the CAE community.

Meeting the Cybersecurity Workforce Challenge: One Goal, Innovative Solutions

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As the cyber threat landscape continues to evolve, the critical shortage of cybersecurity professionals continues to expand, particularly in Critical Infrastructure Sectors. This session will highlight three innovative cybersecurity workforce development programs, funded by the NCAE-C Program to address that challenge. An overarching goal is to support other CAE-C designated institutions in developing similar upskilling and reskilling training programs to complement their academic degree programs and multiply the pathways toward cybersecurity jobs.

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