Paradigm Shift from Vague Legal Contracts to Blockchain-based Smart Contracts

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The vagueness and complexity of the traditional legal contracts have motivated the study and exploration of a better and advanced contract known as Blockchain-based Smart Contracts. A Smart Contract is a self-executable contract where the terms of the agreement between the involved parties are directly written into the lines of code that resides in the distributed ledger technology known as the Blockchain. In this poster, we present a brief overview of the key features of the paradigm shift from traditional paper contracts to smart contracts.

Qubit Reset and Refresh: A Gamechanger for Random Number Generation

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The generation of random binary numbers for cryptographic use is often addressed using pseudorandom number-generating functions in compilers and specialized cryptographic packages. Using IBM’s Qiskit reset functionality, we were able to implement a straight-forward in-line Python function that returns a list of quantum-generated random numbers, by creating and executing the circuit on IBM quantum systems.

G2-Ghidra: Ghidra-GNN Pipeline for Generating Recompilable Source Code

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In recent years, malicious binary programs have increased significantly. One way to analyze such programs is to decompile them into source code so that more scalable analyses can be performed using tools that require source code. However, most of the decompilers produce code with undefined types and other errors that prevent the programs to be recompiled correctly. We have developed a closed-loop GNN-based system to generate recompilable source code.

An Overview of Greenbone Vulnerability Management Solutions

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A brief description of vulnerability management, scanning, and solutions brought forward by Greenbone and their multiple solutions in the vulnerability sphere. They are the developers behind OpenVAS, as well as their Enterprise and Cloud offerings which specialize in Vulnerability Management. Greenbone's specialization enables them to offer services to both small and large businesses, with multiple offerings from the Greenbone Enterprise 35 to the 6500, all of which utilize their proprietary Greenbone Operating System (GOS).

Mitigating Ransomware Attacks and Effects

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Ransomware is becoming more and more of a prominent attack in our present day. In essence, it is a type of malware that prevents one from accessing a device or information stored in that device. 75% of these attacks begin with either a phishing email or Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), with 60% of ransomware cases ending up having malware directly installed on one’s desktop or sharing apps. With that in mind, it is important that organizations know about it and know what they can do to mitigate it.

Website Fingerprinting for DNS over HTTPS

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Plaintext DNS reveals every website that a user visits regardless of other encryption (e.g. HTTPS) or anonymity (e.g. Virtual Private Networks) used. DoH (DNS over HTTPS) was introduced to encrypt the previously-plaintext DNS queries to improve web privacy. In this research, we show that even DoH queries still leak the website name. Our attack on DoH is similar to website fingerprinting attacks, where the URL visited by a user is predicted based on the size of network packets and the number of network packets transmitted.

Pathway to Advancement of Cybersecurity Education (PACE)

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PACE (Pathway to Advancement in Cybersecurity Education) is a guided Cybersecurity pathway that introduces dual enrollment College courses as early as 9th grade with multiple educational and employment exit points. PACE was funded for the last three years by a grant from the NSF-ATE. This poster summarizes PACE outcomes and best practices for establishing a strong pathway program.

Building a Secure Network Infrastructure

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Many Cybersecurity students get into the field without previous opportunity to work on different technologies and hands-on skills in building a secure network infrastructure. Students going into the Cybersecurity workforce need to know all the different network functions of a secure corporate network. This poster will provide attendees with different objectives of an end of the semester project with a rubric. The course provides students the needed networking experiences and the teamwork required to build, secure, monitor, and defend a corporate network.

A Cybersecurity Assessment and Compliance Plan within an Early Childhood Development Center

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As the world evolves, academic expansion has become an increasingly paramount factor for human development (King, 2011). As a result, studies have shown that educational institutions' population will increase by approximately 2-3% between the years 2016 - 2028 (National Center for Education Statistics, n.d.). With the increased effort in academic pursuit, there also arises a growing concern over the cybersecurity posture held by individuals, educational institutions and the education industry at large (Catota et al, 2019).

Increasing Data Privacy and Protection in a Local Medical Clinic by Hardening Network Security

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Large and small medical clinics have a unique responsibility of maintaining patient confidentiality since they collect a large amount of Personable Identifiable Information (PII) and Electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) (Metzger, 2016). According to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), PII is any information that can be used to reveal the identity of an individual, regardless of their citizenship status in the United States (U.S.)(DHS, 2021). Sensitive PII consists of personal information such as social security numbers, medical records, criminal records, and biometrics.

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