Submitted by CAE Community on

Ransomware is becoming more and more of a prominent attack in our present day. In essence, it is a type of malware that prevents one from accessing a device or information stored in that device. 75% of these attacks begin with either a phishing email or Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), with 60% of ransomware cases ending up having malware directly installed on one’s desktop or sharing apps. With that in mind, it is important that organizations know about it and know what they can do to mitigate it. Although some organizations won’t be affected as much (take the San Francisco 49ers attack from last year for example), many can be affected majorly. Successful attacks can heavily damage an organization and could set them back years or make them go out of business. With some better knowledge, policies, tools, and equipment in place, organizations can be better prepared if a ransomware attack were to happen on their network. Having strategies for prevention, preparation, response, and recovery can also help aid in defense. Organizations need to start preparing for a ransomware attack as they quickly grow more and more popular. It doesn’t matter if an organization is big or small and it doesn’t matter if the chance for an attack is low. A successful attack can prove to be detrimental to an organization. It could not only hurt financially, but also tank an organization’s reputation with the public.

Thursday Block I