Submitted by Ms. Anastacia … on

In 2017 the ACM (the world's largest educational and scientific computing society), with the Joint Task Force on Cybersecurity Education, published Cybersecurity Curricula 2017 (CSEC2017), guidelines for baccalaureate programs in Cybersecurity.

The ACM CCECC (Committee for Computing Education in Community Colleges) is developing curriculum guidelines for associate degree programs, based on CSEC2017, with expected publication in early 2020. These guidelines, code-named Cyber2yr, map to the CAE knowledge units for two-year programs.

Note also that the ACM CSEC2017 and Cyber2yr guidelines, respectively, are the basis for the ABET program criteria for Cybersecurity four-year programs, and the currently-under-development ABET program criteria for Cybersecurity two-year programs. This fastpitch session will present an overview of the ACM Cybersecurity curriculum guidelines with a focus on the forthcoming Cyber2yr guidelines for two-year programs, and how they map to the CAE knowledge units for two-year programs. The Cyber2yr guidelines can be used to develop or update a two-year Cybersecurity program that includes the CAE foundational and technical core knowledge units.

Cara Tang, Portland Community College