Submitted by Ms. Anastacia … on

This presentation will cover international opportunities for cybersecurity faculty to expand their technical and cultural vision of the discipline. Its purpose is to share experiences gained and to entice other academic or professional experts in cybersecurity to conduct research, pursue professional development, assist in curriculum development, and/or assess cyber best practices at international institutions through the Fulbright program. The Fulbright award, administered by the Council for the International Exchange of Scholars for the US State Department, provides a generous stipend to cover travel, food and lodging, and other personal expenses incurred during the duration of the award which ranges from 3 to 6 months. Depending on the selected program, dependents may also be supported with modest allowances to enable them to join the award recipient during the entire duration. It is indeed a rewarding experience towards understanding cultural and technical diversity!

Guillermo Francia, University of West Florida
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