Submitted by Ms. Anastacia … on

Based on the growing number of security and data breaches that are occurring on a daily basis, as well as the impact they are having on our lives, security is no longer working, so as a community of users, we must take charge and reestablish control of our own security and privacy. Unfortunately, due to these frequent occurrences, people now bear a mindset that security is too complex and seem resigned to the fact that security breaches are just a part of their daily lives as they know it. For the most part, they are correct! If security professionals, who have been trained and certified to work on these systems, cannot fully secure them, then how can an average person with little or no computer experience be expected to do so? Rather than attempting to change the behavior of potential attackers, this discussion takes the approach that everyone is responsible for security and what we must do to develop an environment where everyone’s own personal background and experience can be used in sharing the responsibility for security, just as a Neighborhood Watch program does for a local community.

Mark Thompson and Ram Dantu