Submitted by Stephanie Rhoten on

Forecasters are predicting a catastrophic shortage in workers to fill open positions in cybersecurity by 2020. We are not developing enough qualified candidates for this field, but by the time students enroll in a higher education institution, it may already be too late as many students are unable to handle the complexity and continually changing environment in cybersecurity. We propose starting a discussion on a new pedagogical approach to cybersecurity education based on our past strength in innovation. America has long been considered a nation of innovators, but with rapidly changing technology, we have to up our game by making innovation a part of growing up. Innovation should start from elementary school and promote thinking outside of the textbook. by making an investment to educate teachers and parents to encourage and sustain innovation. This presentation will discuss some initial steps needed to create a culture of innovation by educating teachers and parents to encourage and sustain innovation early on.