[Call for Applications] INSuRE Summer 2025 Workshop Host Institutions
Posted on 17 Mar 2025 12:49 PM

Following the success of the INSuRE Summer 2024 Workshops, the INSuRE Administration is soliciting applications from 4-year CAE-designated institutions to host the INSuRE Summer 2025 Workshops for the June and July sessions.

For the most up-to-date information about the upcoming Summer Workshops, see this page.

Summer Workshop Details:

The Summer Workshop sessions run similar to how INSuRE+E works:
  • Problem Mentors (PMs) from government agencies propose the research problems and serve as the subject matter experts.
  • Faculty members provide guidance, organization, and oversight at large to the student teams. 

Summer Workshop specifics:

  • Each workshop is expected to have 12 participants which will work in 3 teams of 4 students each.
  • PMs are working and interacting with the students over Zoom on a regular basis whereas the faculty member will be working with the students in-person and on a daily basis at the host institution for the full period of the workshop session.
  • During the academic year, students participate in INSuRE+E in the context of a traditional course at their home institution. Yet, each Summer Workshop session assumes a full-time commitment from the students, i.e., they are expected to contribute at least 40 hours in-person work/week to their project.
The faculty member’s responsibilities are:
  • Act as an academic mentor to the student teams who assumes the typical faculty responsibilities such as advising, providing guidance in research methodology, offering feedback and support, etc.
  • Provide the student teams with guidance on the research topic and background materials as needed.
  • Meet with the student teams on a daily basis.
  • Facilitate the Zoom meetings with the PMs, participating in the meetings in-person with the student teams at the host institution.
  • Ensure timely and effective communication between the student teams and the respective PMs.
  • Coordinate with the PMs to ensure research results are presented and documented, resulting in some publication (e.g., paper or a poster).
  • Plan and execute team building activities with the students.

Submission Details:

  • Submissions are now open. You may access the application forms below:
    • Click here for the June Summer Workshop (June 9 – June 27; 3 weeks).
    • Click here for the July Summer Workshop (July 8 – August 1; 4 weeks).
  • Submission deadline: April 4.
  • In the submission, list:
    • The contact details of the supervising faculty.
    • Details about the facilities and resources available at the hosting institution.
    • Ideas on possible team- and community-building activities that can be organized as part of the Summer Workshop.