Developing a “Hands On” Security Compliance Course

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The North Carolina Community College System’s Security Compliance course (SEC-258) introduces information security compliance and standards along with how they apply to corporate IT environments. Topics included in the catalog description of the course include ISO standards, government NIST frameworks, federal and state compliance requirements, security policies, incident response and business continuity planning. We have also added a CMMC module to the course. Unfortunately, many times the course content is dry and requires pure memorization.

ERAU & A-ISAC CTF: Raising Awareness about Aviation Cybersecurity

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Aviation cybersecurity is an increasingly important problem for not only our nation but also the whole world. From vulnerabilities in avionics embedded system critical for flight operations in an aircraft to a wider network of international airports, cyber threats are more pervasive in aviation today. Airport and airlines face millions of cyberattack attempts annually and this trend will persist. A recent report from Europe in 2021, for example, shows cyberattacks on aviation increased by 530% in a year.

The Lack of Incident Response Curriculum in the CAE Community: Call to Action

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In September 2020, the Critical Infrastructure Resilience Institute (CIRI) - a DHS Science & Technology (S&T) Center of Excellence at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign - led a Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)-funded project and team of academic partners (Auburn University, Purdue University, University of Tulsa) in the creation of a comprehensive plan to develop a nationwide cybersecurity education and training hub & spoke network to address the nation’s chronic and urgent cybersecurity workforce shortage.

Making Knowledge Units Work for Your Program

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Knowledge Units are “owned” by the schools, yet schools do not take advantage of updating and modernizing them. This presentation will present how schools can update KU’s to have better alignment with their curriculum and improve the ecosystem for all. This presentation will include audience participation as a means of evangelism and outreach. The objective is to get more people involved in making the KU’s work for their program.

How Build Large Student Cyber Clubs

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Western Governors University (WGU) never had a club until 2020. Our Club went from 0 to 3,500 students in the first year. Currently We have 5,500 in our student club and 2,500 in our Alumni Club. In ten minutes I can provide an overview of how to build a robust club that helps students learn, network and prosper in today’s educational landscape.

CAE-CD is Not the End Goal, it is the First Door to a World of Opportunities for Cyber Initiatives

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In this Fast Pitch Session, I will share with other CAE institutes how CAE-CD designation has helped The Citadel take Cyber Programs and Activities to the next level. The Citadel started with an undergraduate minor in Cybersecurity in 2012, and became CAE-CD in 2016 with the academic path of BS in Computer Science with a minor in Cybersecurity. The Citadel was the second college in the State of South Carolina with CAE-CD designation. Students from The Citadel Students have been awarded DoD CySP Scholarship every year since 2017.

OpenStack Private Cloud for Cyber Capstone Development and Implementation

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This presentation outlines how we built the Openstack infrastructure, automated the implementation of student projects, and work with students so they treat the Capstone Projects as real-life jobs. At USD, we found that local businesses were reluctant to allow students the opportunity to evaluate, and implement security on an operational system. We developed the USD Cyber Cloud (a private cloud using OpenStack) to have an isolated sandbox that can be quickly configured to give the student (Student Groups) a fully functional business network system.

Lessons Learned from the Development of a DualEnrollment Programs with High Schools

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This talk will discuss the lessons learned from a project put in place by Nova Southeastern University (NSU), College of Computing and Engineering in collaboration with the Miami-Dade Public Schools (MDCPS) on a dual-enrollment program for high-school students from minority and underserved schools throughout the Miami-Dade district.

How Build Large Student Cyber Clubs

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Western Governors University (WGU) never had a club until 2020. Our Club went from 0 to 3,500 students in the first year. Currently We have 5,500 in our student club and 2,500 in our Alumni Club. In ten minutes I can provide an overview of how to build a robust club that helps students learn, network and prosper in today’s educational landscape.

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