CAE-CD Student Cyber Clubs Initiative
- Daniel P. Manson - Norwich University
- Stu Steiner - Eastern Washington University
The aim of this CoP-CD initiative is to develop a comprehensive list of all CAE Student Cyber Clubs around the nation and showcase their activities. Stay tuned for additional information about this initiative.
Initiative Committee Members:
TBD (Feel free to reach out to the co-chairs if you are a POC or faculty member at a good-standing CAE and have an interest in contributing to this CoP-CD initiative).
Calling all CAE cyber clubs.
The "CAE-CD Student Cyber Clubs" Initiative is up and running. We have two club videos; we know of three more videos in the process. We want your club’s video. CAE-CD Student Cyber Clubs Initiative is a grassroots effort requesting CAE-CD schools to create videos showcasing their student cyber club activities and programs. These videos can include anything that your school deems appropriate to include in your video. Videos can’t be longer than 10 minutes. Once your video is created and you are ready to submit, please email Dr. Stu Steiner (ssteiner [at] ewu.edu). We will send you a Google Drive link where you can upload your video.
This initiative is a great opportunity to showcase your Student Cyber Clubs.
You don’t want to miss this wonderful opportunity to showcase your school and your great student cyber club.
Additionally, we plan to conduct quarterly meetings to showcase cyber clubs, so please be on the lookout for additional information on the initiative page and the notifications from PMO and the CAE Community.
Additionally, we would like to invite POCs and/or faculty members, preferably those who coach and oversee the institution's student cyber club, to volunteer to serve on the committee for this initiative. We will be coordinating several meetings throughout the year to plan the quarterly meetings to showcase cyber clubs. If you or your faculty members are interested, please contact Dr. Stu Steiner.
***NEW: Library of CAE-CD Student Cyber Clubs Videos ***
Cal Poly Pomona Swift Cyber Club - https://youtu.be/fU7xZiPpNOI
Eastern Washington University Cybersecurity Club - https://youtu.be/KrbK7-QUWpA
Nova Southeastern University - eHACKERs Club - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-eJNbUJ9YI
California State University, Chico - Usr0 Club - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5RqUNsniCQ
Updated: Feb 24, 2025