Advance Registration Required!
Back in January 2021, we established the initiative called: “Getting to Know Your Fellow CAE-CDs” co-chaired by:
- Sandra Blanke, University of Dallas
- Gretchen Bliss, University of Colorado Colorado Springs.
To read more about this initiative see here
Each monthly meeting is recorded. To see the archive of the recorded events, see here
The upcoming monthly meetings are noted below. Join us each month as a different group of CAE-CD schools presents about their school, programs, research interests and more.
Hope you can join us!
Registration link: https://nova.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAsdequqj8oGtx328aZWXN7HT4_Nc5g6YVs (Only those using their .edu email to register and are from a current CAE (CD, CO, and/or R) or part of the CAE Program Development or Application Assistance will be considered. Do not use gmail!).
CAE Community YouTube Channel (for archived prior events - see below for agendas): www.youtube.com/channel/UCLr52AD7_I-GuW_HyMGc9sA