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The cybersecurity workforce suffers from an ongoing talent shortage and there is a lack of information correlating cybersecurity education programs to alumni employment outcomes. This exploratory, cross-sectional study will evaluate the post-graduation employment outcomes of alumni that attended two-year colleges designated by the National Security Agency as Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense. Stakeholders of this project are identified as faculty, employers, students, government agencies, the National Security Agency, and organizations that rely on cybersecurity talent to keep their systems secure from cyberattacks. This study will use the mixed methods approach to compare alumni employment outcomes to their cybersecurity Programs of Study using the work roles of the NICE Framework. Initially, a call for participation will be sent to the Points of Contact at two-year colleges designated as Centers of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense. The first phase of the study will include a request for Points of Contact to provide academic program information via online survey and to contact cybersecurity program alumni with a link to an online survey about employment outcomes. The second phase of the study will include two rounds. In round one, an online survey will be sent to collect alumni employment data about work experience, degree name and year of graduation, industry-recognized certification achieved, and any additional higher education achievements since graduation from the two-year college. In round two, alumni that did not respond in round one will be contacted for a structured interview to complete the online survey. The resulting knowledge can be used to better understand the employment outcomes of two-year college alumni from CAE-CD cybersecurity programs.

Tobi West, Coastline College
Friday Block I
10:15 am ~ 11:15 am
Designation Track