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This mini-workshop aims to introduce a series of hands-on labs designed and packaged in software containers, allowing instructors to deploy them quickly on the cloud or cyber range environment without extensive configuration. The hacking labs exploit application vulnerabilities to launch common attacks such as data races, buffer overruns, code injection, and other web-based attacks. The primary goal of these hands-on hacking labs is to raise awareness about software vulnerabilities and their potential consequences among students who will be future software developers. By exposing them to these vulnerabilities, students will learn how to apply secure programming techniques during the development process to mitigate the risk of potential attacks. We will demonstrate in this talk how instructors can "load-n-play" one of the labs to Azure cloud service. We will also provide suggestions to faculty on adapting and implementing these labs in their security courses.  

Phu Phung
Thursday Block II
03:00 pm ~ 04:00 pm
Designation Track