Submitted by CAE Community on

Surveys indicate a vast majority of employers require prior experience in their cybersecurity hiring efforts. This presents a majority of our current learner community with a quandary as they attempt to enter the workforce. Solid knowledge development (via degrees and certifications) is not enough. Simulation-based skill development (via ranges and CTF events) is not a replacement for the real-world experience needed by our employer partners. It is on the CAE community to lead the way in the creation of a "Ready for Work" workforce by making adjustments to how literal real-world experiential learning can be incorporated into our academic efforts. This talk will present multiple possibilities that have been incorporated into Boise State University’s Institute for Pervasive Cybersecurity for enabling competency development into our programs so that learners can show employers they are “Ready for Work.” We also hope, through this presentation, to begin further collaboration within the CAE community on expanding these efforts nationwide. 

Edward Vasko
Thursday Block I
01:00 pm ~ 01:30 pm
Designation Track