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Corporate Collaboration in Curriculum Design and Development. Background: The Cybersecurity Highschool Innovations collaboration with Blue Origin started with a tour for 40 high school teachers and academic faculty. This collaboration resulted in the development of an award-winning industry designed curriculum. In this 20-minute workshop, every participant completes a customized form to develop an outreach strategy with business(es) in their area to support employer outreach/workforce development activities. The interactive workshop, using the steps below, provides participants a workable plan to implement outreach or customize an existing industry developed curriculum, Phishing: Blue Origin in CLARK. This fast-paced workshop provides: Step 1: Develop a strategy to approach businesses. Step 2: Engage in education and business collaboration activities to enhance workforce development. Step 3: Access the Blue Origin “Phishing Curriculum” in CLARK, a 10-module curriculum which is the results of Step 1 and Step 2 activities associated with the NSA funded Cybersecurity Highschool Innovations (CHI) grant. Learn how one program customized this industry developed curriculum. Step 4: Create a timeline with actionable steps. Step 5: Send form to participant’s email with a reminder date to ensure items are executed on schedule. Workshop presenters recommend participants come to the workshop with names of two or three business contacts, a laptop, a Gmail account, and nimble fingers to access CLARK, and a collaborative mindset.

Morgan Zantua & Ahreum Ju
Thursday Block I
01:00 pm ~ 01:40 pm
Designation Track