Submitted by CAE Community on

This submission will be a 15 minute overview of a post-GenCyber Teacher Camp activity that provided guidance to teachers for a focused Raspberry PI project for their high school students. The project included post-camp follow-on meetings for teachers to develop their skills and proficiency in using the Raspberry Pi to teach Linux concepts and cybersecurity tools.UMGC trained eight dedicated H.S. teachers who were committed to implementing the project in their schools. All teachers had varying successes and challenges.

We feel that discussing the project outcomes to the larger CAE community will support the success of similar endeavors and remove roadblocks teachers often encounter. This session is unique for a few reasons. First, this was a very focused post-camp activity. Also, the teachers involved had to implement the Raspberry Pi project despite it not being an established part of their curriculum for the academic year. The session will provide an overview of how we planned and managed the teacher training and tool support in a virtual environment. A brief review of the lesson plan will be discussed. The theme of Pi project for students included using Kali Linux; Linux intro / basic commands; Network basics with Wireshark; and Password cracking. Session attendees will receive the excellent Raspberry PI lesson plan developed by one of the teacher participants.

Loyce Pailen, Kimberly Mentzell