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The Computer Forensics Teaching Resources Workshop is designed to share our experience teaching CECS 7235 Computer Forensics and CECS 7237 Advanced Computer Forensics to Computer Science graduate students at Politechnic University of Puerto Rico over the last decade. We will begin with a brief overview discussing the relationship between Computer Forensics and Cyber Defense and our Computer Forensics Graduate Certificate Program. We will then describe the teaching resources that we are using in our courses with an emphasis on hands-on laboratory experience. This will include textbooks (Nelson-Phillips), lab manuals (Blitz) and internet resources such as NIST CFTT, CFREDS, Digital Corpora, and the DFRWS (Digital Forensics Research WorkShop Conference). We will also discuss our experience with Computer Forensics Software tools such as ProDiscover, Forensics Toolkit, OSForensics and Autopsy. In addition we will discuss the philosophy we used to decide what material to include in the advanced course and how we deal with operating system compatibility issues (Windows vs. MAC OSX).

Jeffrey Duffany, Alfredo Cruz