Submitted by Ms. Anastacia … on

This presentation is intended to cover the promotion of cybersecurity competitions by the Center of Academic Excellence (CAE) at Nova Southeastern University (NSU). NSU first received its CAE designation in March 2005 amongst the first in the State of Florida and was redesignated in October 2014. The promotion of cybersecurity competition has long been in our agenda but was challenging, primarily due to the nature of students as many of them are working professional students. In this presentation, we will cover the recent practices at NSU with a focus on the engagement of working professionals and online students in cybersecurity competition.

  • National cybersecurity competitions currently being promoted • Faculty support of cyber competitions
  • Programs/Courses promotions of cyber competitions
  • Outcomes/Benefits of cyber competitions
  • Future steps Through this presentation, we hope to raise awareness, foster new ideas, and share the best practices in promoting cybersecurity competitions within the CAE community.
Wei Li, Nova Southeastern University