Submitted by Ms. Anastacia … on

The purpose of this presentation is to compare existing online course designs and propose new pedagogical approaches to improve cybersecurity education. For this purpose, we chose three institutes that deliver online courses - one in WA and two in IL. The institute in WA delivers online MS in Cybersecurity (CSEC). The institutes in IL provides both online and on-campus courses for BS in Information Technology (IT) and Master of Business Administration (MBA). Campus visits and interviews were conducted for data collection purposes. The three institutes use different Learning Management Systems (LMS), yet all of them have distance learnings to support and maintain online course development initiatives.  

The following criteria were compared during the study: ownership of the course contents in a LMS, openness of the courses to future students, involvement of instructional technology experts, support from media production experts, use of learning analytics for retention and prediction, use of active learning methods for student engagement such as Just-in-Time Teaching (JiTT) and Flipped Classroom (FC), and diverse learning models such as social learning, competency-based learning, and project-based learning. Data revealed that one of the institutes has significant growth in enrollment with highly qualified students. Recommendations for future studies are provided.

Sam Chung and Simon Cleveland