Submitted by Ms. Anastacia … on

This presentation first discusses the introduction of cyber labs into existing graduate embedded systems and undergraduate microcontroller system design courses. A Raspberry-PI based platform was used to develop a set of six labs for the graduate embedded systems course required to be taken by all MS in Electrical Engineering and MS in Computer Engineering students. Additionally, Python as the programming language, Linux as the operating system, and concepts of security are introduced in the graduate course.

 A mapping of existing courses in the engineering programs showed that an Embedded Systems specialization is feasible by adding a few topics into existing graduate courses and developing a new course module on wireless sensor networks. On the other hand, the undergraduate course needs a more simplistic platform where pin level programming is feasible. As such, Micropython based Pyboard was chosen as the platform. The undergraduate microcontroller system design course is taken by electrical engineering, electrical engineering technology, mechanical engineering and mechanical engineering technology majors. Changes to the existing C based undergraduate course requires introducing Python as another programming language in the undergraduate engineering program. 

A proposed sequence of such undergraduate curriculum changes will allow introducing cyber and data science concepts into existing undergraduate engineering programs.

Kalyan Mondal