CAE Executive Leadership Forum (ELF)
May 13, 2021 - 10am-3:30pm (central time)
Please join us at the CAE Executive Leadership Forum on May 13, 2021. This one-day virtual event will be packed with important recent trends and new national initiatives in the cybersecurity space. The forum unites executive leadership from academia, industry, and government to seek collaborative strategies and solutions to advance cybersecurity. ELF having been dark in 2020 will re-emerge in 2021 with a scaled down virtual platform highlighting all the good work being done in the CAE community as a result of federal funding. Work that can be accomplished because of the special relationships between a University President and the Institutions PI; allowing them the time and freedom to pursue their ideas to solve a national crisis in cybersecurity workforce education. The Executive Leadership Forum is intended for executive leaders. Should your President or Chancellor be unable to attend, we will welcome an executive from your institution (Dean or higher) to represent your institution. This year, the institution’s CAE PI are invited and asked to encourage their Executive Leadership to attend.
Conference link: 2021 CAE Community Executive Leadership Forum (ELF)
Click here for Zoom link (password ELF2021) or for dial in information, see below:
Topic: 2021 CAE Community Executive Leadership Forum (ELF)
Time: May 13, 2021 10:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 939 7059 0749
Passcode: ELF2021
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