2020 Intelligence and National Security Summit
The nation's premier intelligence and national security conference is going virtual! Taking place Sept 16-18, the 2020 Intelligence and National Security Summit features powerful plenaries with senior IC leaders, engaging breakout sessions with top industry, academic, and government experts, and a virtual exhibit hall where you can learn about the latest technology innovations.
Join 2,000+ of your IC and national security colleagues at this can't miss virtual event!
About the Intelligence and National Security Summit
Now in its seventh year, the Summit, powered by AFCEA International and the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (INSA), brings senior Intelligence Community leaders together to advance collaborative solutions to critical intelligence and national security challenges. This high caliber virtual program features five plenaries and five breakout sessions that will examine "ripped from the headlines" issues such as information warfare, U.S.-China relationship, use of AI, intelligence policy and workforce readiness.
Why Attend
The Summit is the premier forum for unclassified dialogue between U.S. Government intelligence agencies and their industry and academic partners. At this three day online program, senior leaders from across the IC will examine pressing national security challenges and opportunities, share insights and expertise, and advance practical and creative solutions.
Attending the Summit provides you with:
- Key insights from senior government leaders, technical experts, leading edge researchers, and people in the field working to overcome challenges with creative solutions
- Access to white papers, videos, and one-on-one online meetings with developers of the latest technological advancements in the intelligence community
- Opportunities to expand your professional network
What to Expect
- A robust virtual platform that is designed to encourage participant networking and engagement prior to and throughout the three day program
- Five Plenary Sessions (Topics covered: Strategic Challenges, Military Intelligence, Technology and National Security, and More!)
- Five Breakout Sessions (Topics include: Information Warfare, Cleared Workforce in a Post-COVID World, CIO Perspectives, U.S.- China Relations After the Pandemic, and Use of AI by U.S. and its Adversaries)
- Prior to the Summit, attendees and exhibitors will be able to message each other to request virtual meetings
- Every participant will have their own virtual account that will assist with planning and scheduling which sessions to attend, which exhibitors kiosk to visit, and which participants to meet
- Virtual Exhibit Hall open all three days with options to interact