National Security Agency/Department of Homeland Security
Executive Leadership Forum
May 19 – 21, 2020
Chicago, IL
Hosted by Dakota State University and Moraine Valley Community College
Overview: This year, the Executive Leadership Forum (ELF) will have peer reviewed paper tracks to highlight the research, outreach, and curricular efforts nurtured by the NSA/DHS CAE programs.
Topics of interest, include, but are not limited to the following research topics:
1) High Integrity Programming Languages
2) Secure Software Development
3) Reverse Engineering
4) AI and Cybersecurity
5) Network and Host Security
6) Trusted Operating Systems
Also, topics such as these in the Innovative Outreach:
1) DoD/Veteran partnerships
2) GenCyber – SFS – C3P – ATE – FIPSE success stories
3) Engagement with underrepresented groups
4) Cyber workforce development
5) CAE local impacts case studies
6) Partnerships between CAE-2Y, CAE-CD, CAE-R, and CAE-CO
Plus, we are interested in curriculum:
1) Impact of CAE programs on cybersecurity student enrollment and retention
2) Innovations in interdisciplinary cybersecurity education
Key Dates:
Submission of one page abstracts deadline — 22 February 2020
Notification of acceptance — 7 March 2020
Final Papers due — 31 March 2020
Paper should be scoped to be presented in a fifteen minute speaking slot
Application is being made to conduct the research track in co-operation with ACM
Email abstracts and full paper submissions to with subject line "ELF 2020 Research Submission”
Research Program Committee
Drew Hamilton, Mississippi State University – Research Program Chair
Kyle Cronin, Dakota State University
Stanley Kostka, Moraine Valley Community College
Wayne Pauli, Dakota State University
John Sands, Moraine Valley Community College