Organized by the WiCyS organization, the 7th National Women in Cybersecurity conference WiCyS 2020 will be held on March 12-14, 2020 at Denver (Aurora), CO.
Join us for the largest cybersecurity conference where we have comparable representation of students and professionals in the audience.
Call for Scholarship Application, and Call for Participation (CFP) are open until October 19th , Saturday.
The WiCyS conference will offer:
• Technical presentations
• Technical workshops
• Student Poster competitions (winners receive travel grants)
• Birds-of Feather discussions
• Career Village with mentoring and networking session
• Panel discussions
• Lightning talks
• Career and graduate school fair (expecting 100+ organizations)
• Dedicated meet ups for
- SFS Scholars
- WiCyS Students chapters
- WiCyS affiliates
- Faculty with funding agency leaders
Join WiCyS organization to access community portal, speaker bureau, career central among other member exclusive features.