You are invited to participate in a two-day workshop series covering Security Basics and Security Analytics at Forsyth Technical Community College hosted by our CAE Regional Resource Center. Review the agenda below. Day 1 - Security Basic workshop - April 20 - Presented by SPECIAL GUEST Mark Ciampa Published Author and Associate Professor of Information Systems at Western Kentucky University Day 2 - Security Analytics – April 21 - Presented by Jim Pierson & Melisa (Joey) Bryant Database Management Program Coordinator and Healthcare Business Informatics Program Coordinator, Forsyth Technical Community College VENUE: Forsyth Technical Community College Oak Grove Center Dewitt E. Rhodes Conference Center If you need additional information contact: Dr. Deanne Wesley, Department Chair Davis iTEC /Cyber Security or Gretchen Adkins, Administrative Assistant CAE Regional Resource Center: Travel Funding Available: Travel reimbursements will be available for invited participants to attend these workshops. In order to receive a stipend you must register for the event and be approved for a travel reimbursement by the organizers. In order to be eligible for reimbursement or a travel stipend, attendees must participate in all workshops for which they registered and complete any and all travel reimbursement forms provided by Forsyth Technical Community College. If you are approved for a travel stipend, you will be notified. Registration: This event is invitation only. Register by the April 12th of 2017 Registration Deadline, using the following link to complete your registration request:
Professional Development Opportunity
Event Begins
and Ends
Posted 01 Apr 2017 7:15 PM