Notice to CAE-CDE and CAE2Y Applicants
Posted on 07 Sep 2016 12:25 PM
Effective the start of the 2017 CAE Application cycle, the CAE Cyber Defense Program Office will implement a new process for applying to the NSA/DHS National Centers for Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense program. Applications will be reviewed by a team of peer reviewers and government personnel.
The CAE Application Tool will be open from 1 Sep 2016 to 1 Jun 2017.
- Applications will be reviewed in the order in which they are received. Applicants are encouraged to apply early in the cycle; notification and possible feedback will be received within 10 to 12 weeks.
- Applications submitted by 15 Jan 2017 will be reconciled NLT 1 May 2017, and successful applicants may elect to receive their certificates in an award ceremony at the National Cyber Summit in Huntsville, AL (6-8 June 2017), or at the NICE Annual Conference in November.
- Applications submitted after 15 Jan 2017 but by 1 Jun 2017 will be reconciled NLT 1 October, and successful applicants may elect to receive their certificates in an award ceremony at the NICE Annual Conference in November, or at an event to be named the following June.
Schools applying between 1 Sep 2016 and 15 Jan 2017 (Academic year 2017-1 cycle)
- Re-designating CAE institutions that will expire in 2017 must submit no later than 15 January 2017.
- Applicants that already have a CAE application account and have been actively gathering information may continue with their submission and submit by 15 January 2017 for possible designation in June 2017.
- Applications submitted before 15 Jan 2017 will receive a determination NLT 1 May 2017.
- Incomplete applications will be returned without comment; the applicant may not re-submit until 1 Sep 2017.
- Reviewers will not contact applicants in cases where answers to mandatory items are incomplete or inadequate. A request for clarification will be made where the submission is unclear, and will require response from the applicant within one week.
Schools applying after 15 Jan 2017 (Academic year 2017-2 cycle)
- The Program Office is introducing a process that will ensure applicant schools have adequate opportunity for program development and application assistance prior to submitting an application.
- This new program will be conducted in collaboration with CAE Community schools, and is designed to reduce the time required to earn the designation, help new participants understand the depth and breadth of the program and designation requirements, and facilitate sharing of experience and resources between institutions already designated and aspirants.
- Between 15 Jan and 1 Jun 2017, applicants who feel they are ready to proceed directly to submission of an application can request to work with a mentor to ensure their application meets requirements.
- While not mandatory, applicants that wish to take advantage of application assistance may complete the New Applicant Inventory (2Y Inventory; CDE Inventory). The inventory will guide the applicant through the program requirements and provide a self-assessment of readiness. Applicants that opt to receive support will have their inventories reviewed and will be referred to one of two assistance paths:
Program Development & Application Assistance
- Program Development. Applicants who are assessed to require more than one year to be ready for designation will be assigned to Program Development. In this phase, the applicant will have access to workshops, seminars and an advisor to help in their preparation for designation. Schools in this phase will also be invited to programs and events hosted by the CAE Community and have access to other resources offered by the Program Office only for the CAE audience.
- Application Assistance. Applicants who are assessed to be within one year of readiness for designation will be assigned to Application Assistance. In this phase, the applicant will work directly with a mentor to complete the application.
- Applicants that choose to opt out of Application Assistance must acknowledge that they do not wish to receive support via the New Applicant Inventory.