Cyber Watch West - Apply for a travel stipend to attend 3CS this July
Posted on 23 Mar 2016 5:04 PM

Travel Funding Available for 3CS this July

CyberWatch West has funds available to send select faculty members employed by CyberWatch West member institutions to the Community College Cyber Summit (3CS) being held in Pittsburgh, PA, July 22-24.

CyberWatch West is one of the Advanced Technological Education (ATE) centers organizing and sponsoring the three-day conference, which will be held at the Community College of Allegheny County and will focus on the theme “Expanding the Boundaries of Cybersecurity Programs at Community Colleges.”

Faculty seeking financial assistance to attend 3CS should complete the online form available on the CyberWatch West website.  Applications will be accepted until April 15, 2016 or until travel funds run out. Please keep in mind that registration for 3CS may fill up quickly.

CyberWatch West will notify applicants on approximately Thursday, March 31 whether they have been selected to receive a travel stipend. Applicants representing institutions in the continental United States will be considered for a stipend of $1250.00 to help cover the costs of conference registration, airfare, meals, and hotel accommodations. Stipends of $1500.00 will be considered for applicants from Hawaii, to help defray higher travel expenses.

Travel stipend recipients will be expected to subsidize all expenses incurred and will be required to submit a completed W-9 IRS form and proof of conference attendance before receiving the stipend as reimbursement.


Register for Member Meeting next Friday 9 a.m. - 10 a.m.

Corrinne Sande, Director and Principal Investigator (PI) of CyberWatch West, will lead next week's online Member Meeting, March 25. She will present the draft of the new Industrial Control Systems Security course that CyberWatch West will soon begin piloting. Afterward, there will be an "Ask the PI" session, and she will answer attendees' questions about the new course, funding for faculty travel, and other CyberWatch West activities.

CyberWatch West members can register to attend the Member Meeting by clicking the button below to sign up on WebEx.



Consortium Members

  Corrinne Sande, Director/PI
  Cal Poly Pomona
  Dr. Dan Manson, Co-PI
  Student Development

  Coastline Community College
  Nancy S. Jones, Co-PI
  Curriculum Development 

  Cal State San Bernardino
  Tony Coulson, Co-PI
  Professional Development

CyberWatch West is located at
Whatcom Community College
237 W. Kellogg Road
Bellingham, Washington  98226

Tel: (360) 383-3175
Fax: (360) 383-4176

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CyberWatch West is funded by
a National Science Foundation
Advanced Technological
Education Center Grant