NCAE-C PMO - New Cybersecurity Education Solicitation
Posted on 09 Apr 2024 12:19 PM
The NCAE-C PMO has released a new Cybersecurity Education solicitation. The deadline for proposal submission is 07 June 2024. The solicitation was emailed to the designated institution POCs (and alternate POC’s) on 9 April 2024.To address any questions about the solicitation, the CAE PMO Grants Team will host two upcoming webinars:· April 24th 4:00 p.m. ET· April 25th 2:00 p.m. ETThe meeting invitation (via zoom) will be emailed to the institution’s designated POCs and alternative POCs. If you are a POC and did not receive a copy of the solicitation, please contact the NCAE PMO grants team at: ncaecgrants@nsa.gov