Announcement of NCEC’s Hack the Building student competition and request for medical expertise and medical equipment
The finals for the 2023 Hack the Building 2.0 student competition will occur concurrently with the National Cybersecurity Education Colloquium. Hosted at the DreamPort facility in Columbia, MD, Hack the Building 2.0 will occur September 19-23, 2023 and will feature a student competition between 12 NCAE-C finalist teams. This year’s Hack the Building 2.0 event will also feature a variety of cybersecurity exercises for NCAE-C students and cybersecurity professionals.
The student competition, awards ceremony and select presentations will be live-streamed at the NCEC event at Moraine Valley Community College.
In support of this engagement, Dreamport seeks:
- Expertise from medical professionals, with and without cybersecurity expertise, to insight/support to the student competition
- Equipment for the hospital scenario, specifically:
- 1-2 Pyxis Medical Safe (e.g., CareFusion Pyxis MedStation 4000, 3500) or equivalent controlled substance safe
- GE CIC Server (licensed), Ethernet-enabled Anesthesia Machine
- Ethernet-enabled infusion pump, Rauland Responder
- Zebra Patient Barcode Wristband printer
- Licensed medical data record(s) system (of any age) and/or MyChart SW
QUESTIONS: Please contact: Akhirah Padilla, and Ashley Greeley (from the CAE PMO office) if you know individuals who are interested in providing either medical equipment or medical expertise to support the student competition.