On Monday, August 20th, 2018, Dr. Deanne Wesley and Margaret Leary will be hosting a CAE Application Workshop. This workshop will cover how your institution can apply to be recognized as a Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Security (CAE). The workshop will also go through each CAE application criteria and cover frequently asked questions and common pitfalls with the criteria. Faculty will review NSA's expectations with regard to meeting Program Criteria and Knowledge Unit mapping.
You can register for this workshop by going to https://bit.ly/2Ij3VHg
Travel Assistance:
Travel assistance is available. Registrants will be contacted with further details. Workshop and travel funds made available by CAE Regional Resource Center (CRRC) at Forsyth Technical Community College CAE National Resource Center (CNRC) at Northern Virginia Community College NSA and DHS Funded grant projects.
If you have questions regarding this event, please email one of the workshop leaders below.