Leading Institution:
California State University, San Bernardino

Currently in the United States, the cybersecurity workforce faces a significant challenge due to a pronounced shortage of skilled professionals, which is exacerbated by the continuously evolving landscape of cyber threats. This dearth in cybersecurity expertise is a major concern, as it compromises our nation's ability to effectively defend itself, thereby posing a substantial risk to national security. The National Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (NCAE-C), supported by the
National Security Agency, is a robust ecosystem that currently includes 400 institutions of higher education designated as Centers of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity. In 2023, a research study was conducted to investigate the impact of the CAE-C designation on Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs). Data collected from CAE-C program leaders and alumni of CAE-C programs, along with publicly-available information, suggest that the CAE-C designation has a large impact on students, faculty, and institutions.

Tony Coulson
CAE Community National Center, Director
Email: tcoulson@csusb.edu