The National Cybersecurity Virtual Career Fair
(formerly known as the CAE in Cybersecurity Virtual Career Fair)
September 17, 2021
9:00am-1:00pm PDT
The National Cybersecurity Training and Education (NCyTE) Center and the Centers of Academic Excellence (CAE) in Cybersecurity Community are hosting the fifth annual National Cybersecurity Virtual Career Fair (VCF), sponsored by the NCyTE and the CAE in Cybersecurity Community, on September 17, 2021, from 9:00 am-1:00 pm PT. This event is open to students and alumni from over 300 institutions designated as Centers of Academic Excellence in Research (CAE-R), Cyber Defense (CAE-CD), and Cyber Operations (CAE-CO), and institutions in the Candidate's Program (pending approval).
As the CAE in Cybersecurity program continues to designate new CAEs, the number of students participating in the VCF grows each year. Last year, over 1100 students and alumni participated in the virtual career fair.
Survey data from the 2020 event indicate both employers and students positively receive the CAE VCF. Many students find careers through the VCF, and many of the same employers return each year to participate.
Click here to register
NCyTE Center is funded by the National Science Foundation (Grant #1500375, Grant #1800589, and Grant #1902329). CAE Community is funded by the National Security Agency (Grant #H98230-20-1-0292).