Advance Registration Required!
The next monthly 'Getting to Know Your Fellow CAE-CDs' event will take place on Thursday, October 12, 2023 at 2pm ET, 1pm CT, 12MT and 11PT. With planned agenda of:
Informational update from the PMO
Kay Ogilvie - Blue Ridge Community and Technical College
Dante Leon - Daytona State College
Ben Wongsaroj - Florida Memorial University
Competency Corner - Thomas Hill (Montreat)
Breakout rooms to chat with the presenters (non-recorded sessions)
Hope you can join us!
Registration link: (Only those using their .edu email to register and are from a current CAE (CD, CO, and/or R) or part of the CAE Program Development or Application Assistance will be considered. Do not use gmail!).
CAE Community YouTube Channel (for archived prior events - see below for agendas):