CAE-C New Onboarding Process Workshop
Event Begins and Ends Posted 11 Jan 2022 1:02 PM

Join us as we present the CAE-C New Onboarding Process Workshop, 1-3PM EST, Wed, 26 Jan 2022.

This workshop is for those schools who have already been designated a CAE in the past but have had turnover in the Point of Contact (PoC) role.  Some schools have no institutional knowledge due to their previous PoC moving on or retiring.  The aim of this workshop is to provide a comprehensive discussion on what is expected of CAE-C designated schools, resources and tools that are available, and an opportunity to ask questions you may have.  

This workshop will be presented jointly by:

Lori Pfannenstein, Cybersecurity Program Manager

Karen Leuschner, Cyber Defense Program Manager

Annie Becker, Deputy Cyber Defense Program Manager

Anne Kohnke, University of Detroit Mercy

Faisal Kaleem, Metropolitan State University

Eric Berkowitz, College of Lake County

Anthony Pinto, University of West Florida

Topic: CAE-C Onboarding Process Workshop
Time: Jan 26, 2022 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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