• 2025 CAE in Cybersecurity Symposium


  • NCAE Cyber Games
  • CAE Career Explorer

    The CAE Career Explorer offers a comprehensive snapshot of cybersecurity job data nationwide, along with direct access to employment opportunities. Explore cybersecurity demand across states via an interactive map, and find open positions across the nation in the sector and location of your choice.

  • CAE Competitions Cyber Atlas

    Discover the CAE Competitions Cyber Atlas, a comprehensive directory of cybersecurity challenges and competitions. Search for events based on your desired criteria and test out your cyber skills!

  • Try Cyber

    The NICCS website now has new, interactive micro-challenges on the Cyber Career Pathways Tool! Based on the top NICE Framework categories and work roles.

  • What is a CAE in Cybersecurity?

    An educational institution designated a Center of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity (CAE-C) has met the rigorous requirements outlined by the program's sponsor, the National Security Agency (NSA). Designated institutions commit to producing high-quality cybersecurity professionals to safeguard the U.S. national infrastructure.

  • Looking for a CAE-C near You?

    The CAE Institution Map conveniently displays the location of each Center of Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity, the region they reside in, and what types of designations they hold all in one place. Check out the CAE Institution Map to find a CAE-C near you!

  • Interested in Becoming a CAE-C?

    Did you know designated educational institutions are eligible to apply for scholarships and grants through the Department of Defense Cyber Scholarship Program (DoD CySP) and can apply for the National Science Foundation (NSF) CyberCorps®: Scholarship for Service Program (SFS)? Check out the Applicant Checklist to start working towards designation!



Interested in a future career in cybersecurity? CAE-C educational institutions are the premier option for a quality cybersecurity education with highly qualified instructors, exposure to relevant cyber topics, and connections to potential future employment in the cyber field.

Learn more...Students and Parents

Prospective CAE Community Members

Does your educational institution have a successful cyber program? Does it have what it takes to meet the rigorous requirements of the CAE-C designation process? Gain the national recognition and grant funding opportunities you deserve by obtaining CAE-C designation.

Learn more...Prospective CAE Community Members

K-12 Community

Interested in learning about K-12 opportunities in cybersecurity? Searching for resources, programs, or projects in K-12 cybersecurity education? The CAE K-12 Community includes all this information and more, including important updates and events from our federal partners!

Learn more...K-12 Teachers



US Government departments and agencies actively engage with the CAE in Cybersecurity Community to advance the state of cybersecurity education in the nation. Together, the Community and its government partners set priorities, acquire funding, and find ways to actively engage and collaborate.

Learn more... Government

CAE Community Members

Interested in reading about what is going on in the Community? Searching for the next Tech Talk, Forum, or Community Event? Looking to collaborate on new cyber research? Trying to find other CAE Community members in your region? The CAE Community Website is the right place to do all of that and more!

Learn more... CAE Community Members


The CAE in Cybersecurity Community partners with industry to ensure that students entering the next generation cyber workforce have the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities for a successful career in cyber.

Learn more... Industry

Looking for a CAE near You?
Check out the CAE Institution Map!
